WSG 01

Chapter 1 Charlie

He should have died.

Thomas had been impaled by Alex Cross's spear that had flung loose. We were chariot racing, he was in the Poseidon chariot, I in Hecate. I cursed the Ares chariot, trying to pull ahead. The wheels of it shattered, propelling the rider forward, who hit Thomas square in the back. I immediately stopped my chariot and ran back toward Thomas.

Thomas was the grandson of Poseidon, and son of Styx. He was very powerful, handsome, strong. We had met when I saved his life 5 years ago. I was 13 he was 14. He had dark brown hair, which he kept at a medium length, occasionally letting it grow. His blue eyes were always fiery, his hands strong and powerful.

I had kissed his cheek a couple times before, once when I saved him from a hellhound at 15, another when he saved mine last year.

My heart dropped when I saw the scene before me. He was on his side, spear clean through his body. “Tommy,” I said, shaking his shoulders. “Stay with me, Thomas.”

The resident medic, head of the Apollo cabin, Anna Walker, came over and looked him over. She gave him some nectar and ambrosia, I had to help him actually swallow everything, and she gave it a couple minutes before his heart stopped. I noticed first and immediately started trying to resuscitate him. Anna started chest compressions. But it was futile. The children of Hades gathered around us, as well as Alex Cross, who looked distraught.

“It's too late,” One boy said blankly.

"Andrew. What the fuck." Said Olivia Overa, one of the leaders in their cabin. "Don't say everything you're thinking." She was probably the most sensitive of the children of the underworld, actually making an effort not to hurt others. "As much as I hate to say it, Charlie. We're too late."

I laid my head on his chest, the part without the spear at least, and did my best to hold together. After a couple of moments, all the other kids left me alone. I sat there a good few minutes. After everyone left, I finally let the tears come.

But just then he coughed. Blood propelling forward. "Holy shit." He croaked, then turned and looked at me. "I thought I was dead." He softly smiled, "Hi. Didn't mean to scare ya."

I kissed him on the cheek, then paused. "Thomas, we need to get this spear removed."

"Sure do." As we went to the Apollo cabin. Luckily, the spear's shaft had broken off just outside his chest.

"Holy-" Anna started, before immediately putting Thomas up on a table. The campers began work and soon had the spear extracted and the wound closed. Anna put her hand on his chest after the procedure. "That should have punctured his Heart. I have no idea how, but the wound is closed there."

"So he was dead?"

"The sons of Hades confirmed it."

"I should be dead." Thomas said solemnly.

"This doesn't make any sense." Olivia rubbed her temple. "You were dead. We stopped CPR."

"Well, as grateful as I am, it can't be a good thing." His expression was grave. Olivia agreed.

"We need to see if this happens more. If it does, then Death has been captured." We all dispersed, Thomas coming with me.

"Charlie, thank you."

"I caused the accident." I said glumly.

"Key word, accident." He smiled, "but you tried to save me, which is all that matters." Thomas pulled me close and kissed the top of my head. He was 4 inches taller, muscular, but gentle. We were walking into the forest, away from prying eyes to chat, as we did all the time. Before we found a suitable tree to climb, we were interrupted.

The air got very, very cold, I began to shiver. I saw a dark figure ahead, and both of us bowed to one knee. Thomas took off his vest and laid it across on my shoulders. Leaving one hand on my back.

"Rise." A steely voice said. The shadowy figure stepped forward, revealing her pale, ageless face.

"Mother." Thomas acknowledged.

"Son, we need to speak. Privately." The goddess Styx smiled coldly at me.

"Anything we need to speak of can be in front of Charlie."

"Very well." She spread her hands. Deep purple silk dress shimmering, covering the surrounding ground, flowing like water. She radiated in dark power, as the underworld gods tended to. She had a regal face, crowned with a silver crown that seemed to flow around like liquid.

"Dark times are ahead of you, my son. A great has awakened, and it seeks to overthrow the world as we know it."

"Who?" He asked, puzzled.

"They are very powerful. Thanatos being captured, that is a sign of a powerful enemy of Olympus. I do not know who our enemy is yet.”

"Oh gods." I said, "Is that why Thomas didn't die."

Styx looked at Thomas and smiled, "I like this one." Then turned to me, "Yes. I will seek an audience with Hades and Persephone when I return to the underworld." She then disappeared into vapor, and the air returned to its normal temperature.

The instant the river goddess left, I felt all my energy leave my body. I fell to my knees, and tried to stand up. Struggling to balance, I grabbed his arms, and he helped me to my feet.

"I hate how she can do that." I said.

"Do what?"

"Sap my energy like that." I grimaced.

"The river Styx can take your life source when you bathe in it. It can't be much different to be around her." He said. I told him he needed some rest, he had been impaled not an hour ago

He lived in the Poseidon cabin. There was no cabin for Styx. Thomas was her only living child for a century.

After dropping him off, I met up with Adam, from the Boreas cabin. He was my closest friend outside of Thomas.

"Heard Thomas nearly died," He said.

"He did die. Well, the Hades cabin confirmed it, but he woke up without resuscitation."

"No CPR eh?" He had a sly smile. "No mouth-to-mouth?"

"I hate you." I smiled.

"I hate you too."

"His mother came and spoke to us."

"Oh gods, how'd that go?"

"She said that we have a tough road ahead, she is going back to the underworld to audience with Persephone and Hades."

"Why did he live?" He asked. It was the first time something like this had ever happened to us. You don't die, then not be dead. Just thinking that sounds stupid. "Well, even the sons of Hades are confused. No reason to overthink it." I thought.

"She said that Death has been captured." I grimaced.


"Yeah. Fuck."

"How will this effect-" He started, but was interrupted by an arrow landing between us.