WSG 04

Chapter 4 Raven

I paced back and forth near the edge of camp, my thoughts a whirlwind of anxiety. The news of the attacks on Thor’s children had reached me only this morning, and I needed to talk to Nova about it. Something was terribly wrong, and I had a sinking feeling it was connected to her parents.

The sun was just beginning to creep over the West Virginian horizon, casting a warm glow through the canopy. I took a deep breath, trying to steady my nerves. If anyone could help me make sense of this, it was Nova.

As I walked towards the central courtyard, I spotted Bjorn, one of Thor’s sons, sharpening his axe. His blonde hair glinted in the early morning light, and he looked up as I approached.

“Morning, Raven,” he greeted me with a nod. “You seem tense.”

“Morning, Bjorn. Do you know anything more about your siblings?” I asked, trying to sound casual amidst my worried mind.

“Just rumors. Some say they were ambushed by creatures from Helheim, others think it was a trick by Loki’s spawn. Either way, no one’s staying dead,” he said, his brow furrowing.

“Yeah, that’s what I heard too. Stay alert, okay? We might be in for more trouble,” I advised.

“Always am,” he replied with a grim smile, returning to his task.

Leaving Bjorn, I continued towards the outskirts of the camp, where Nova usually spent her mornings. I spotted her walking towards camp, her wings folded neatly behind her. We met up just before the feast, my thoughts racing.

"Nova, did you hear about the attacks?" I asked. We shared a similar pale complexion, our dark hair and makeup marking us as kindred spirits in this place.

"I hadn't, but I can sense the death," she replied, her tone calm but curious.

"That's the odd part," I said, stroking my snake ring thoughtfully. "They reported multiple deaths, but said they just revived themselves."

Nova's eyes widened, and I could see a sense of dread filling her. "You're saying they can't die anymore?"

"As far as I know, yeah."

"This is really, really not good," she muttered.

"Do you know what happened?" I pressed.

"I haven't heard from my parents in weeks. In the ancient myths, sometimes they were captured. Usually, death stopped working after that."

"Fuck. That can't be good," I said, twisting my ring some more. We were sitting at a table alone in the courtyard as others began filing in for the feast. "We will talk about this later."

My siblings brought out the platters of meat. The meal always turned out better when we prepared it, rather than Thor's kids. A tray of turkey, juices pouring from the cuts, was placed before us. I thanked the gods audibly and began eating.

I had led the camp since my early teens, taking over after the former leader was killed. My sister and I had defeated a horrible enemy in battle, a descendant of Fenris the wolf. In killing her, our bravery was recognized, our former leader avenged.

Nova was a loner like me. Nobody ever sat with us to eat. She had stumbled upon the camp two years ago, and despite everyone wanting her gone, I had taken her in. She was my closest friend.

She was a child of Thanatos, Greek god of death, and Hel, Norse goddess of the underworld. Nova had wings like her father, but one wing and the side of her face were ghostly and skeletal. Like her mother.

After the meal, we left the courtyard and headed towards her dilapidated barn. We passed other campers—the Loki wolf pack playing volleyball, morphing between wolf and human, Thor's children sparring with hammers, and Odin's children training ravens in the Aviary.

As we walked, crossing streams along the way, I finally spoke up. “We have a lot to figure out if this is as bad as I think it is.”

“You're right. We’d probably need the help of your sister.” she didn't intend to anger me.

My twin sister was a traitor. She had abandoned the pack years ago, left for the Greeks. Our father was Loki, but our mother was Hecate. Charlie always took after our mother more than our father. We were much different in temperament, she was kinder, sweeter and softer. I was rougher and darker.

I hadn't seen her in years. Not since she left me to run Camp Asgard alone.

“I know you feel she betrayed you, but her and her group are the closest things to us.”

She was right. Outside of Camp Asgard, and Camp Mythos were the magician houses, the nearest one was in Florida. Being from Texas, we were rather alone in the world.

Camp Mythos stood some 35 miles away. We always sent our patrols the other way, as not to clash. But many members of either camp at least knew of the existence of the other.

Before we got to the barn, one of our favorite places to sit and chat away from the eyes of the campers, the ground swallowed us up. Nova extended her wings, grabbing my hand and slowing our descent. Her wings, even though one was a ghostly skeleton, worked wonders.

We came to a stop we heard yelling nearby, and several people tumbled from the roof of the cave. It was a massive palace, red light on the walls and black marble floors. I recognized my sister among the other people.

“Charlie.” I gritted my teeth.

“Raven.” she returned. I heard one of the other guys whisper, “who are they.” But lost the reply in the damp air.

“Welcome.” a voice in the distance said. “Approach.”

We all walked forward. Charlie kept looking over, but when we met eyes, she looked away. I was the older twin, she always said she felt 2 years younger.

I couldn't help but soften my idea of her as we walked. She never fit in well at camp Asgard. Something I can sympathize with. And she had a boyfriend by the looks of it, she was holding hands with a boy several inches taller, short brown hair. Not my type, but I felt good for my sister.

We finally got to the throne room. A massive room bigger than the last. On a large marble throne sat a man, he was tall, black hair, piercing golden eyes, and a dark suit. To his left sat a lady, a shiny black dress, shimmering in the red glow. She had clearly defined multicolored eyes, as if they changed constantly, but washed out. To their right side were 2 thrones, empty, and unadorned.

“My son. Welcome to Hades palace.” Another woman materialized to the other side of the room. Amidst more empty thrones. I realized they all had labels, the lady up front seat in one labeled “QUEEN PERSEPHONE” the man in “KING HADES” and the other woman in one labeled “STYX” the thrones to her sides read “LETHE” “ARCHEON” “PHLEGETHON” “COCYTUS”.

“Lord Hades.” The boy who wasn't with Charlie bowed.

“Lady Persephone.” The other girl bowed as well. All the rest of us followed suit.

“Rise, child of Death.” Hades said solemnly.

Nova stood and stepped forward. The rest of us stayed down. I did for fear of the God of the underworld.

“Rise you idiots.” Hades said. “Take a hint.” he dropped his elegant demeanor.

“Child of Thanatos. Your parents are both missing.” Persephone said, eyeing her husband. “I’m sure you expected it.”

“I wasn't entirely sure till now.” She said.

“All of you have felt the impact. Thomas, you died, Raven, your camp has seen multiple in the last week.” Styx said, “The lords of the underworld have pronounced Hel and Thanatos missing.”

“It’s a very grave omen. They have not been captured in a millennium.” Hades sighed, “So now, as annoying as it is. We need you heroes to get them back.”

“Annoying?” I asked, irresponsibly. “How can it be annoying to have people die?”

“My kingdom holds somewhere around 100 billion humans. 100 Billion.” Hades snapped. “My brothers believe it is better to let my kingdom continue to be overloaded. At any rate, someone captured Nova’s parents. We need you to save them. Nymph, you can go along if you like. We do not know where they are. Adam, son of Boreas, your father, will be the first to know, even before Hermes.”

Adam’s face fell. “Yes sir.”

“You’re free to leave children.” Persephone said in a sweeter tone. “We wish you well.”

We suddenly appeared on the shore of a river, in the middle of nowhere. The ashen rocky ground butted right up against the river Styx. Styx herself was standing in her river, inky black water flowing around her.

“Thank you. Charlie, for helping my son. Children, the road ahead will not be pleasant. I believe some terrible enemy has returned. I will send you to the overworld. Stay safe.” And then we were flying through the roof of Hades.

TWS Chapter 6 Thomas